FlowAnalytics is a tool designed for asset utilization, focusing on the assets provided in the Flowscape system. Its primary purpose is to provide analytics related to activities at both the office and company levels.
Space Utilization
Space Utilization is a set of reports for analyzing asset utilization.
To start with Space Utilization, click on the FlowAnalytics tab in the Flowscape portal and select the Space Utilization page.
It is important to note that you need to select which Asset Type to display. If no Asset Type is selected, all Asset Types, both Desks and Rooms, will be populated in the same graphs.
Data & Metrics
The data is presented in a stacked format, using three color codes and introducing a new metric: 'Used and Booked.'
The information provided is based on activity in your office which can be booked through the Flowscape portal or presence, detected by sensors in the office.
Only Booked: Shows the time when the asset(s) was ONLY Booked.
If a sensor is connected, this time can be classified as “No Show”.
Only Used: Shows the time when the asset(s) was ONLY Used.
A sensor must be connected for this time to be available.
Booked and Used: Shows the time when the asset(s) was both Booked and Used.
A sensor must be connected for this time to be available. It provides a summary of the bookings that were completed by the users during a day, this includes the data from bookings and the presence detected by our array of sensors.
Peak Utilization and Average Peak Utilization
The Peak Utilization displays the day of the week and the hours when the office was utilized the most based on the presence and bookings.
The Average Peak Utilization is the average of the Peak Utilization over a selected time interval.
Filter Reports
In all reports, the time span you set corresponds to the duration for when we have data available.
The time spans range from the last 30 days to the past year, allowing you to filter your reports by specific time frames or select custom dates
You can filter all assets by Country, Building, Floor, etc. When you hover over a filter, an eraser icon will appear and if you click on it the filter will reset. The location filter includes both the office, floor and zones.
Below the filters, you can see the number of selected Offices and Assets you selected. Additionally, the Average and Peak utilizations are available on the right side, along with a pie chart showing the numbers of Bookable, Non-bookable, and Blocked assets and whether they have sensors or not.
You can also change the work week frame. You can view the week Monday to Friday, Sunday to Thursday, or all seven days of the week
To learn more about filtering in FlowAnalytics, CLICK HERE.
Set Office Hours
To set Office Hours, select the Office Hours box. This will show data for the hours 7:00-18:00. If the box is unchecked, it will show 24 hours of the day.
If you want to select a specific time period, you can do that from the dropdown menu.
Asset Utilization
The asset utilization will follow the compact way of presenting the reports, with all the assets being allocated under the same filter.
• Asset Utilization: Displays the asset utilization as percentages for the selected time span.
• Hourly Utilization: Shows the asset utilization by the hour over the day, averaged for the selected time span.
• Weekly utilization: Displays the asset utilization per day of the week, averaged for the selected time span.
• Most utilized and least utilized assets: Lists all assets sorted from most to least used (and least to most used respectively), along with the percentage of utilization.
The hourly utilization graphic is stacked, showing only Booked, Only Used, Booked and Used, and Utilization.
Utilization represents the sum of the 3 metrics (Only Booked, Only Used Booked and Used).
Asset Overview
The asset overview will include the peak utilization and average utilization, shown as
absolute values or percentages.
A table of the most utilized buildings will be displayed from the asset overview tab.
Room Occupancy
When using our people counting sensors, you will now receive data on the usage of your
The different Room Occupancy graphs show the Occupancy by Date, by Time of the day, and by Weekdays. Additionally, there is a graph showing the Time of the day for each room.
The graphs can be filtered based on either the absolute number, (Room Occupancy), or the percentage of the room capacity, (Room Occupancy Percentage).
Room Fit
Based on room occupancy AND room capacity AND room booking data (if the room was booked), the Room Fit reports will show if the room was used efficiently = Room Fit.
Definition of Room Fit: Maximum number of people during a booking > ½ Room Capacity Example: If 3 or more people used a room for 6 people, then that booking was considered as “Room Fit Booking” and Room Fit for that booking is 100%.
This will allow you to encourage users to book and use rooms for the number of people that will attend the meeting.
Asset Usage
The Asset Usage report is a more comprehensive way to show which assets have been used.
The graphs display the percentage of assets used by Date, categorized by Category, and by Weekdays. At the bottom, there's also a list of all used assets that can be exported to Excel.
Export to Excel
Filter and export your data to suit your needs.
Please note: Excel has a limitation of 150,000 lines. Exporting data will generate one line per asset per day. For larger environments, consider limiting or filtering your exports accordingly.
You can select between raw or summarized data to build your reports from scratch or opt for a visual presentation of the utilization reports.
Assets Type: In reference to all the different assets available in the Flowscape app, such as desks, rooms, dogs, parking, etc.
Stacked Graphs: Stacked graphs display items stacked one on top (column) of the other or side-by-side (bar), differentiated by colored bars or strips.
Definition of Only Booked: Shows when the asset(s) was ONLY Booked.
If a sensor is connected, this time can be classified as a "No Show."
Definition of Only Used: Shows when the asset(s) was ONLY Used.
A sensor must be connected for this time to be available.
Definition of Booked and Used: Shows when the asset(s) was both Booked AND Used.
A sensor must be connected for this time to be available. It summarizes the bookings completed by users during the day, incorporating data from bookings and presence detected by our array of sensors.
Peak Utilization: Displays the day of the week and hours when the office was utilized the most, based on presence and bookings.
Average Peak Utilization: The average of the Peak Utilization over the selected time interval.
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