A desk is a workspace within your office.These can be reservable or non-reservable (Selected through desk type) and registered with diffrent eqipment. With the Flowscape portal, you can edit:
- Name
- Desk type
- Equipment
- Identifiers
This is beneficial to you if your workplace setup changes. But it also enables you to specify all your desks so its easier for employees to find a desk with the equipment suitable for their needs.
The columns
On the upper column, you will see some different categories, you can sort desks depending on what information you want. Just click on the category you are looking for and the table will sort automatically in alphabetic order.
Here, we will go through:
- Equipment
- Desk type
- Floor zones and buildings
- Notes
- Identifiers
Lets take an example and go through all the columns. table 3.1 has some interesting features.
- Equipment. We can see that the desk is equipped with a single screen and ergonomic desk. Which is also shown in the app with symbols.
- desk type - This governs if the desk can be reserved and occupancy duration time. Desk 3.1:s desk type is called “Single desk in open office”.
To know what the desk type means, I recommend you read the manual for desk types HERE.
But as you can see in the app, the desk type is shown in the description.
- Floors, zones and building - These categories shows desks location, this is also shown in the app.
- You cannot edit location with the portal, this because you need to change the map configuration of your office. The desks location is also visible in the app and billboard.
- Now, what is identifiers? It is what identifies the desk to the sensor, and gives it it’s unique ID. You can add new identifiers. Read more about identifiers HERE.
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