Using an Outlook client? Please ensure that you have Outlook version 1903 or newer and Windows version 1902 or newer.
- Yes /
- Outlook version 1902 or below? Please upgrade or contact your IT department for help.
- (Outlook -> File -> Office Account -> About Outlook -> Version)
- Windows version 1901 or below? Please upgrade or contact your IT department for help.
- (Windows Settings -> System -> About -> Windows specifications -> Version)
- Outlook version 1902 or below? Please upgrade or contact your IT department for help.
- No? Proceed below.
To troubleshoot further, please use O365 online.
- Please empty the cache of your webbrowser (or start in incoginto (Chrome)/inPrivate (Firefox)).
- Is the plugin "Flowscape Room Finder" visible?
Yes: Port 9008 might not be open in the company firewall. Contact your IT department.
No: "Manifest.xml" has not been distributed correctly. Contact your IT department.
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