New Features
New Room Panel user interface available
A new Room Panel app with improved user interface has been released.
Issue reporting in the new Room Panel App
It is now also possible to use Flowscape's powerful issue reporting functionality from the Room Panels.
Exclude Check-In window and booking information email on non-workdays
To care for the employees well being we now introduce the possibility to exclude weekends for sending out information and booking confirmation mails or push notifications.
Asset booking: Add possibility to make recurring bookings
Flowscape's loved functionality for assigning desks permanently to employees now get an improvement. Many customers have asked for the functionality for staff to release their permanently assigned desk or parking space when they do not plan to use them. This is now available. In the admin interface you can select to book the permanently assigned desks or parking spaces day by day. This makes it easy for the users to cancel the booking for the day they do not need it and it also makes it possible to activate Flowscape's smart automatic checkin with sensors.
Improved Supervision of HW Devices in Admin Portal
In the admin portal we now add a field in the device and room panel lists to show the Status. This to be able to get a quick overview of which devices that is offline. In the Room Display list we also add the hardware ID, software version and model as well.
Admin roles on office level
Our large customers have requested to be able control the role on office level in the Flowscape Admin Portal. This is from this release possible. You can e.g. select that a certain user shall only have Office admin rights for one office. This prevents that users accidentally change settings in other offices than they are responsible for.
Hardware integrations
People Counter integration for NeatBars
We are happy to extend our partnership with Neat. Our Room Panel app already supports the NeatPad. Now we extend the integration to also support getting people count data from the NeatBars into our powerful analytics platform. Thus, no need to install additional presence or people counter sensors if you have already invested in a NeatBar or NeatBar Pro.
People Counter integration for Cisco Meetings Bars
We are also happy to enter the Cisco meeting room equipment Eco system. With this release we support the following video bars from Cisco.
- Room Bar
- Room Bar Pro
- Room Kit EQ
- Room Kit EQX
- Room Kit Pro
If you already have these video bars Flowscape can integrate to them and get data about if the room is used and also how many people that is in the room. This data is pulled into the Flowscape analytics platform together with all the other office utilization data. Thus no need to jump between systems to get a complete overview how your office is used and how you can optimize it.
Support for IAdea XDS-1078 room panels and older Philips room panel
We have extended the hardware support for our Room Display app. It now also supports the following hardware.
- Idea XDS-1078
- Idea XDS-1078-A9
- Idea XDS-1078-A12
- Philips 10BDL4151T
Support for Lithuanian in the Web app, Mobile app and Room Panel
We are proud to announce that we now can provide our Lithuanian customer with a user interface in their native language.
Implement Import and Export on all views in Admin portal
The import and export functionality is now implemented in all views in the Admin Portal.
Analytics Reports
Meeting Occupancy report
This report is used to analyze the needs for rooms with a certain size. The report only collects data for rooms with people counters.
Office attendance report
This report is used to analyze hybrid work patterns with people in Office, Remote and Off work. The Office, Remote and Off Work is set in the FlowPlanner.
Simulation report
This report shall be used to simulate how the utilization would look like after changes in number of employees, number of assets or change in policy for days in office.
The report contains the same graphs and KPIs as the Asset Utilization report.
The main part of this report is the Simulation form. Here you can e.g. test how the utilization for the selected office would look like if you reduce the number of assets. You just fill in the simulated number of assets in the Assets (New) field.
If you like to simulate the utilization after increasing the number of employees from 200 to 400 you fill in 200 in the Employees (Today) field and 400 in the Employees (New) field. The graphs will not update until you filled in both fields.
The last simulation parameter is change in policy for number of days in the office. If you like to simulate the effect of changing from 2 days to 3 days in the office you fill in 40% in the Office Policy % (Today) field and 60% in the Office Policy % (New) field.
You can change all three parameters at the same time.
After the Simulation form has been filled in the KPIs and the graphs below the form will be updated. The KPIs above it will remain as before the simulation.
“No show” - report
This report is used to analyze how many of your bookings that is not confirmed. Only assets with the check-in functionality turned on is included in the analysis. For deeper analysis of which users that did not confirm their bookings please refer to the No Show report in the User Report category.
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