It is possible to create your own email templates that can be sent when you book a resource before your booking starts or to be used for check-in (confirmation that you want to keep your booking).
Below are the recommended steps for how to copy an existing email template and edit it to create your own custom made template:
1. log in to the Flowscape portal
2. Go to Configuration -> Mail Templates
3. Click on the wheel next to the template you would like to base your email template on and select "edit item"
4. Download the current email template
5. Open the downloaded .HTML file using a text editor
6. Edit the text between the <div> tags and save the new .HTML file
7. Go back to the portal and select "Add template".
8. Fill in the details about the new template and select the new .HTML file you created. PRess Save.
9. You will now be able to select this template when you are setting up new Desk and Room Configurations.
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