The FlowAnalytics can be found in the Flowscape Admin portal with URL
When you have logged into the Flowscape Admin Portal you will find the FlowAnalytics menu if you have the right access role.
Under the FlowAnalytics menu you will see the report categories you have access to.
If you cannot login, see the FlowAnalytics menu or the report categories you like access to please contact your Flowscape system administrator.
Below you see the main structure of the FlowAnalytics.
Select report
First select the report category and then select the Report tab for the report that fits the analysis you like to do.
Below you see a summary of all reports.
Department Reports
- Department Utilization – analyze how different departments use the office.
Asset Reports
- Asset Overview – analyze asset utilization for your office portfolio
- Asset Utilization - analyze asset utilization for an office
- Asset Utilization Simulation – simulate asset utilization in an office after changes
- Asset Usage – analyze which assets that has been used during a day
- No Show – analyze how many no shows you have per asset type
- Attendance – analyze hybrid work patterns with people in office, remote and off work
- Room Occupancy – analyze number of people in meeting rooms (require people counters)
- Meeting Occupancy – analyze the needs for rooms with a certain size. (require people counters)
- Room Fit – analyze how many meetings you have that fill over half of the rooms. (require people counters)
- Export to Excel – use this report to export the raw data to Excel
User Reports
- Office Attendance – analyze how often users are in the office.
- No Show – analyze how often users book an asset and don’t use it.
- Late Cancellation – analyze how often users cancels a booking late.
When you have selected a report you need to select the filters to get see the data you like to analyze. In the Filtering section you can read more details.
KPIs and Report
When you update the filters you will see the KPIs and the graphs in the Report update in real time.
If you hover over the Definitions text you will see a window with the following definitions.
Avg = Average (means the average over a time span and/or multiple assets).
Abs = Absolute (means the number of assets).
Booked & Used = this is all assets that has been booked and used (measured with sensor).
Booked & Not Used = this is all assets that has been booked but not used (measured with sensor).
Booked & No Sensor = this is all assets that has been booked but does not have a sensor. Thus, no data on used or not.
Only Used = this all assets that has been used but does not have any booking. Non-bookable asset falls under this category but also bookable assets that has been used without a booking.
Utilization = a summary of Booked & Used, Booked & Not Used, Booked & No Sensor and Only Used.
Avg Utilization = the average of the utilization for all data points in the selected data set.
Avg Peak Utilization = the average of all peak utilization for every day in the selected data set.
Peak Utilization = the maximum utilization for any point in time in the selected data set.
No. = Number of
Avg Assets = the average of the total daily number of assets in the selected date span.
Peak Assets = the maximum number of total assets during the selected date span.
Export data
Under each graph it is possible to export to Excel by hovering over the graph, select the three dots in the upper right corner, select Export data and select how you like the data exported. This operation will export all the data in the selected graph to e.g. Excel.
If you like to export the whole report as it looks on the screen you click on the Export PDF button. This will start to generate the PDF in the background and when finished you will be prompted by the browser that the pdf is downloaded. During the Exporting… of the pdf file you can continue to work with the FlowAnalytics.
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