In this section you will find all reports related to how different users use the office.
Office Attendance
The Office Attendance report is used to follow up when users has been in the office. In the filter section you can select Country and Office, Floor, Zone as well as Date Range and Workdays. After that is done you will get a list of all employees that has booked a desk in these offices in the date range. From this you can further narrow the filter with specific Department or Employees.
In the Avg Employees/Day by Department you will see an average of the total number of employees per day per department. Thus if you have a department with 10 employees in the office in Monday and 12 on Tuesday, the Avg Employees/Day will be 11. The graph is sorted from highest to lowest.
The Avg Days/Week by Employee shows the average number of days a week each employee has been in the office for the selected Date range. The graph is sorted from highest to lowest.
Employees in office by Day shows which days each employee has been in the office.
The Flowscape's system look at the desk booking data when calculating if a user has been in the office. If you have not turned on the check in functionality for the desk booking you might over estimate how many employees that has been in the office since you do not know if everyone has showed up.
No Show
The No Show report is used to analyze which users that book assets and do not use them. A No Show is detected if a user do not check in to a booking. Thus No Show is only measured for assets with check in activated.
In the filter section you can select Date range, Workdays, Asset type, Country, Office, Floor, Zone and Asset to scope which data you are looking at. From that you can chose to further filter in Department and Employee.
In the No Show and Percentage No Show you select if you like the graphs to show number of no shows or percentage no show compared to all bookings.
The KPI section you see the following numbers:
- No Show Percentage - this number is Number of No Shows divided by Number of Bookings in percentage.
- Number of Bookings - this is the total number of bookings in the filtered data set.
- Number of No Shows - this is the total number of no shows in the filtered data set.
The No Shows by Date graph shows the number number of No Shows and number of Booking per day for the filtered data set. If you change the graph visualization to Percentage No Show the graph will show the percentage No shows vs the Booking per day in percentage.
The Amount No Shows by Employee graph shows the number of No Shows or the Percentage No Shows per employee for the filtered data set.
The Amount No Shows by Department graph shows the number of No Shows or the Percentage No Shows per department for the filtered data set.
The Amount No Shows by Weekday graph shows he number of No Shows or the Percentage No Shows per weekday for the filtered data set.
Late cancellation
The Late Cancellation report is used to analyze which users that cancel bookings late and thus might leave the assets unused. In this report you have the same filters as in the No Show report. For details see previous chapter.
In this report an Interval filter is added. Here you select which time intervals you like to look at. For example "-15 - 0 min" filters out bookings that was cancelled from start of booking and 15 min after the start. The other time intervals are before the booking starts.
The KPI section you see the following numbers:
- Late Cancellation Percentage - this number is Number of Late Cancellations divided by Number of Bookings in percentage.
- Number of Bookings - this is the total number of bookings in the filtered data set.
- Number of Late Cancellations - this is the total number of late cancellations in the filtered data set.
The Late Cancellation by Date graph shows the number number of Late Cancellations and number of Booking per day for the filtered data set. If you change the graph visualization to Percentage Late Cancellation the graph will show the percentage Late Cancellation vs the Booking per day in percentage.
The Amount Late Cancellation by Employee graph shows the number of Late Cancellation or the Percentage Late Cancellation per employee for the filtered data set.
The Amount Late Cancellation by Department graph shows the number of Late Cancellation or the Percentage Late Cancellation per department for the filtered data set.
The Amount Late Cancellation by Weekday graph shows he number of Late Cancellation or the Percentage Late Cancellation per weekday for the filtered data set.
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