In this section you will find all reports related to how different assets are used.
In the top section of the reports you find all available filters for respective report. Within a report category the filter settings will remain. If you change report category to e.g. Department Reports or refresh the browser all filter settings will be reset to default.
To learn more about filtering in Asset Reports, CLICK HERE.
Asset Overview
In this report you can analyze asset utilization for your office portfolio.
In the KPI section you see the following numbers:
- Avg Utilization - this number is the average utilization of the filtered part of your office portfolio for the selected Date Range and Hours.
- Avg Peak Utilization - this number is the average of every day's peak utilization.
- Peak Utilization - this number is the peak utilization for any day.
- Avg Utilization Abs - this number is the average utilized number of assets.
- Avg Peak Utilization - this number is the average of every days maximum utilized number of assets.
- Peak Utilization - this number is the maximum utilized number of assets any day.
- Office - the number of offices in the filtered data set.
- Avg Assets - the average number of assets in the Date Range.
- Peak Assets - the maximum number of assets in the Date Range.
The Average Utilization per Country map shows the average utilization in each country during the Date Range and selected Hours.
The Utilization and Number of Assets table is used to compare average, average peak and peak utilization between countries. It is also possible to expand a country to see the same numbers per office or even individual floor. This table is a powerful tool for analyzing if it is possible to merge offices in the same area.
Asset Utilization - this graph shows the average and peak utilization for the selected Hours.
Number of Assets - this graph shows the number of assets every day for the Asset Type, Country and Office, Floor, Zone selected. The percentages calculated in the other graphs and tables are using the number of assets every day as a reference.
Asset Utilization
This report shall be used to analyze the asset utilization for one office.
All graphs are stacked with the following parts:
- Booked & Used - this is the time the assets has been booked and at the same time the sensors detects that it has been used.
- Booked & Not Used - this is the time the assets has been booked but the the sensors detects that it has not been used.
- Booked & No Sensor - this is the time the assets has been booked but the asset does not have any sensor to detect if it has been used.
- Only Used - this is the time the assets has not been booked but the sensors detects that it has been used.
In the KPI section you see the following numbers:
- Avg Utilization - this number is the average utilization of the filtered assets for the selected Date Range and Hours.
- Avg Peak Utilization - this number is the average of every day's peak utilization.
- Peak Utilization - this number is the peak utilization for any day in the Date range.
- Avg Booked & Used - this number is the average utilization for when the assets has been both booked and used.
- Avg Booked & Not Used - this number is the average utilization for when the assets has been booked but not used.
- Avg Booked & No Sensor - this number is the average booked utilization for assets without a sensor.
- Avg Only Used - this number is the average used utilization for assets.
- Avg Assets - the average number of assets in the Date Range.
- Peak Assets - the maximum number of assets in the Date Range.
In the Asset Utilization graph you will see a stacked graph for the average utilization as well as a line for the peak utilization per day.
Hourly Utilization show a stacked graph of the average utilization for each 15 min interval. If you select specific Hours in the filter it is only these hours that is shown.
Weekday Utilization show a stacked graph for the average utilization for each weekday.
Most & Least Utilized Assets sorts all assets from most to least utilized and vise versa.
Asset Utilization Simulation
This report shall be used to simulate how the utilization would look like after changes in number of employees, number of assets or change in policy for days in office.
The report contains the same graphs and KPIs as the Asset Utilization report, see previous chapter for details.
The main part of this report is the Simulation form. Here you can e.g. test how the utilization for the selected office would look like if you reduce the number of assets. You just fill in the simulated number of assets in the Assets (New) field.
If you like to simulate the utilization after increasing the number of employees from 200 to 400 you fill in 200 in the Employees (Today) field and 400 in the Employees (New) field. The graphs will not update until you filled in both fields.
The last simulation parameter is change in policy for number of days in the office. If you like to simulate the effect of changing from 2 days to 3 days in the office you fill in 40% in the Office Policy % (Today) field and 60% in the Office Policy % (New) field.
You can change all three parameters at the same time.
After the Simulation form has been filled in the KPIs and the graphs below the form will be updated. The KPIs above it will remain as before the simulation.
Asset Usage
This report is used to analyze which assets that has been used during a day. This data can be used to decide which assets that shall be cleaned after the day or it can be used to analyze how many desks that is needed if a policy where employees can keep the desks all day is introduced.
Start by selecting how many hours an asset need to be used to be included in the calculation. The number needs to be an integer.
In the KPI section you see the following numbers:
- Offices - this is the number of offices included in the filtered data.
- Assets - this is the number of assets included in the filtered data.
- Asset Usage - this is the average percentage of all assets in the filtered data that has been used every day the set Minimum Hour Usage.
- Avg Assets Used per Day - this is the average number of assets in the filtered data that has been used every day the set Minimum Hour Usage.
Asset Usage by Date shows the percentage of the filtered out assets that has been used per day more than the set Minimum Hour Usage.
Asset Usage per Category has more than one bar if multiple Asset Types are in the filtered data.
In Weekday Asset Usage the average percentage of the filtered assets that has been used each weekday more than the set Minimum Hour Usage is shown.
At the bottom, there's also a list of all used assets and it can easily be exported to Excel.
No Show
This report is used to analyze how many of your bookings that is not confirmed. Only assets with the check-in functionality turned on is included in the analysis. For deeper analysis of which users that did not confirm their bookings please refer to the No Show report in the User Report category CLICK HERE.
In the KPI section you see the following numbers:
- No Show % - this is the percentage no shows out of all bookings in the filtered data.
- Number of Bookings - this is the total number of bookings in the filtered data.
- Number of No Shows - this is the total number of no shows in the filtered data.
- Number of Assets - this number is the number of assets in the filtered data.
The No Show by Date graph shows the percentage no shows out of the total number of bookings each day or the count of each if the Absolute value has been selected.
In the Amount No Shows by Hour you can see the number or percentage no shows each hour in the filtered data. The starting time of the booking is used.
Amount No Shows by Weekday shows the number or percentage no shows each weekday.
In the Assets with most No Shows and Assets with least No Shows graphs you can find the assets with the most problems.
This report is used to analyze hybrid work patterns with people in Office, Remote and Off work. The Office, Remote and Off Work is set in the FlowPlanner. CLICK HERE for more information about FlowPlanner.
In the KPI section you see the following numbers:
- Avg Office - this is the average number of users that set themselves to Office every day.
- Peak Office - this is the maximum number of users during one day that set themselves to Office.
- Avg Remote - this is the average number of users that set themselves to Remote every day.
- Peak Remote - this is the maximum number of users during one day that set themselves to Remote.
- Avg Off Work- this is the average number of users that set themselves to Off Work every day.
- Peak Off Work- this is the maximum number of users during one day that set themselves to Off Work.
All graphs are stacked with Office, Remote and Off Work in respective color. If you like to only see one of the parts you just deselect the other two of the buttons under the KPI section.
The Attendance graph shows the number of users with different attendance every day.
Office Attendance Avg per day shows a stacked graph of the average attendance per office.
Weekly Attendance Avg per weekday shows a stacked graph of the average attendance per weekday.
Room Occupancy
When using our people counting sensors, you will now receive data on the usage of your
The different Room Occupancy graphs show the Occupancy by Date, by Time of the day, and by Weekdays. Additionally, there is a graph showing the Time of the day for each room.
The graphs can be filtered based on either the absolute number, (Room Occupancy), or the percentage of the room capacity, (Room Occupancy Percentage).
Meeting Occupancy
This report is used to analyze the needs for rooms with a certain size. The report only collects data for rooms with people counters.
Room Fit
Based on room occupancy AND room capacity AND room booking data (if the room was booked), the Room Fit reports will show if the room was used efficiently = Room Fit.
Definition of Room Fit: Maximum number of people during a booking > ½ Room Capacity Example: If 3 or more people used a room for 6 people, then that booking was considered as “Room Fit Booking” and Room Fit for that booking is 100%.
This will allow you to encourage users to book and use rooms for the number of people that will attend the meeting.
Export to Excel
Filter and export your data to suit your needs.
Please note: Excel has a limitation of 150,000 lines. Exporting data will generate one line per asset per day. For larger environments, consider limiting or filtering your exports accordingly.
You can select between raw or summarized data to build your reports from scratch or opt for a visual presentation of the utilization reports.
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